1. Greco Health & Benefits Tag shows current trends and challenges

1. Greco Health & Benefits Tag shows current trends and challenges

On the occasion of the first Health & Benefits Tags from Greco, leading experts discussed: inside over 100 participants: inside the change in the world of work and its impact on domestic companies. Representatives of renowned companies, from science and politics, showed that companies have to recognize current Health & Benefits trends and act accordingly in order to be better equipped for the challenges of the modern working world and to be successful in the long term.

The first “Health & Benefits” day of the risk specialist Greco took place on February 13th. Under the motto “Working world in change“Discussing leading experts: Interior from business, science and politics about current trends in the area of ​​Health & Benefits and what challenges they can represent for Austria’s companies. The topics ranged from the affiliation of the Austrian pension system to the requirements of Gen Z to communication with employees: inside.

“We live in moving times, which is also reflected in the employee benefit. Flexible work presents us with new tasks when it comes to communication, with the gen z, a new generation with clear desires and ideas are declining on the labor market and services in the state health sector. We wanted to take a closer look at these challenges at our event, ” erklärt Competence Center Manager Health & Benefits Joachim Schullerthat led through the event.

A critical look at Austria’s pension system

Franz SchellhornDirector of Agenda Austria, the event opened with his lecture “How we keep the Austrian pension system financiallyable”. In it he outlined that our pension system faces major challenges due to a lack of adaptation to demographic changes and economic pressure. While other countries have already implemented reforms, Austria remains the “early pension champion” of Europe – which endangers both public finances and future stability of the pensions. Schellhorn therefore argued for the expansion of company pension schemes, such as it is like in Scandinavian countries.

Gene with them focus

The focus was on the subject of pensions in the impulse department of Anna Doliner, Student Consultant at Icons – Consulting by Students then on the special requirements of the gene Z to the labor market. This generation, born between 1995 and 2010, attaches particular importance to work-life balance, “#Mentalhealth”, corporate culture, meaningfulness and company precaution. Companies that take these aspects into account and actively integrate them into their corporate culture will be in the race for talents.

The role of communication

Finally, it explained that communication significantly influenced the success of companies in all the previous considerations Julia KaufmannHead of Employee Experience at ACP Digital Business Applications. Communication creates emotional and intellectual proximity in hybrid work environment and promotes appreciation and trust. Kaufmann emphasized that communication is more versatile than ever today, especially through technology.

Trends and future prospects in focus

In the final panel discussion, leading experts discussed: selected topics from the area of ​​health & benefit such as dei (diversity, equity and inclusion), skilled workers and the influence of technology such as AI. Josef Buttinger (Founder & president, hr lounge), Petra Pointinger (Head of Group HR & Internal Communications, Mayr-Melnhof Gruppe) as well as the two pulse officers Anna Doliner and Julia Kaufmann Also ventured together and considered the influence of benefits on the employer brand and how it subsequently affects the attractiveness for employees: inside. “”Only those who understand the change of our working world and adjust accordingly will employees: will be satisfied in the long term and thus remain successful ”, stated Joachim Schuller together.

Here If it goes to the Event Recap.

About Greco

The Greco Group, an owner-managed company, offers its clients individual solutions in risk and insurance management and is Austria’s leading insurance specialist for industry, trade, trade and the public sector. The company’s headquarters in Vienna are currently controlled by 69 branches and approx. 1,400 employees: inside in 21 countries, including around 400 in Austria. With twelve locations in the federal states, Greco guarantees from a single source. The decentralized location policy and the associated personal closeness to the clients are essential elements of the comprehensive service. Greco is also internationally represented in 150 countries worldwide via the global network of insurance specialists, Greco Nova.

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